Konferenca 6 Maj 2011 Tirane

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Konferenca 6 Maj 2011 Tirane

E premte 6 Maj 13.30-14.00     Regjistrimi 14.00- 14.20    Fjalet pershendetese 14.20                Seksioni 1. Otologji & Audiologji, Moderatore. Anesti Bocka, Narin Sulcebe 14.20 – 14.50 Kirurgjia e otosklerozes primare Robert Vincent, Causse Ear Clinic, Beziers, France 14.50 – 15.20 Timpanoplastika me kartilago Cem Uzum, Trakya University, Edirne, Turqi 15.20 – 15.35 Histocitoza e kockes temporale  ne 
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Numri i ri i revistes ORL Shqiptare

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Numri i ri i revistes ORL Shqiptare

Eshte ne perpunim e siper numri i dyte i revistes Otorinolaringologjia Shqiptare 2011.  Ky numer pritet te dale ne nentor 2011.  Nese jeni te interesuar te botoni nje shkrim tuajin, ju lutem kontaktoni me bordin e Shoqates Shqiptare te ORL.
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Konferenca ORL 2012

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Konferenca ORL 2012

Konferenca e radhes e perbashket midis shoqatave ORL te Shqiperise dhe Kosoves do te mbahet me 25-26 maj 2012, në Gjakovë, Hotel Pashtriku.  Ju lutemi te kontrolloni here pas here websitin e shoqates ORL te Kosoves, www.orl-ks.org. ne lidhje me njoftimet e reja mbi kere aktivitet.

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Kongresi i 5 i Kirurgjise Endoscopike te trurit, Basis Crani dhe Kolones. Viene 29 Mars – 1 Prill 2012

The 5th World Congress for ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY of the BRAIN, SKULL BASE & SPINEand the First Global Update on FESS, THE SINUSES & THE NOSE in Vienna will bring together the pioneers and today’s most renowned endoscopists, to evaluate the achievements of the last 25 years.

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Ifos Soeul 2013

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Ifos Soeul 2013

1-5 qershor 2013, COEX Concention Center, Seul, Kore, zhvillohet Kongresi i 20 i Konfederates  Boterore te Shoqatave  ORL  (IFOS).

Per me shume info mund t’i referoheni websitit te kongresit

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